SapiMed Disposable Anoscopes

The "Self-Light®" disposable proctoscope utilises a convenient battery-operated pen light, enabling examinations and minor therapeutic procedures to be performed in a non-specialist out-patients’ department, on the ward or at home.
It can also be used with a plug-in light source produced by Sapi Med, if desired. proctoscopes are made of transparent plastic material and supplied in individually sealed bags. A free pen-light is included in each box of scopes.
Technical Features:
- Clear, transparent plastic proctoscopes
- Range of four size/designs to suit varying clinical needs
- Flash Free
- Guaranteed atraumatic
- Illumination by either Sapi Med cold-light source or pen-light
- Conforms fully with essential requirements of European Council Directive 93/42/EU.

- Diagnostic/pediatric
- Flute beaked
- Disposable, self-lighting
- Tube length: 56mm
- Tube diameter: 18mm
- For clear and easy rectal examination
REF A.4019 Proctoscope:

- Diagnostic/pediatric
- Trunk-end
- Disposable, self-lighting
- Tube length: 54mm
- Tube diameter: 18mm
- For clear and easy rectal examination
REF A.4022 Surgical/Examination Blu Scope Proctoscope:

- Trunk-end
- Disposable, self-lighting
- Tube length: 79mm
- Tube diameter: 23mm
- It has an increase of about 14mm over theA.4024, so offering the practitioner improved access higher up the rectum.
- The introducer is designed for easy and atraumatic introduction to the patient.
- A.4022 has similar design characteristics to code A.4023.
- It allows excellent control of the anal canal walls.
REF A.4023.1 Surgical/Examination Proctoscope:

- Flute-beaked
- Disposable self-lighting
- Tube length: 88mm maximum
- Tube diameter: 23mm Flute beak to perform biopsies, elastic ligatures and hemorrhoid sclerosis, incision of intra-anal haematomas, excision of hypertrophic anal papillae, sutures with homeostatic stitches following polypectomy, I.R. coagulation etc.
REF A.4024 Surgical/Examination Proctoscope:
SapiMed Pen Light for Proctoscopes:

- Adapter LED
- Brightness: 20lm
- Color: warm white
- Beam angle: 15°
- Power consumption: 0.5 Watt
- LED Voltage: 3.0V. – 3.2V
- Battery: AAA 1.5v
- Light life: ~42 hours
- Mercury & Cadmium free