SapiMed Hemorrhoid Banding Ligator

The Disposable Hemorrhoid Banding Ligators are uniquely designed and made from a light, tough polymer. It is an FDA cleared, non-latex material. All of the Ligators are Single Use products available in three variants: for use with a low pressure aspiration suction device, for use with a grasping Forceps, or a Self-Suction model. All variants are supplied with either a stepped cylinder cone (0.10mm) or with a smooth cone and ring loader for easy band loading.
The 20 degree angled tip of the ligators ensures optimal visual clarity. The ergonomically designed trigger enables smooth and accurate banding procedures. For the model that uses a low pressure office aspirator to create suction, a length of flexible suction tubing is needed to connect. The Self Suction model creates its own suction with a spring action built in suction. No suction is used for the Grasping Forceps model.
The hemorrhoid is retracted into the Ligator’s barrel end and then banded by the operator using the trigger action. For the standard aspirator model, suction may be manually controlled by the thumb of the Surgeon on the barrel opening. If the grasping Forceps model is chosen, no suction is applied. For the Self -Suction Ligator, suction is provided by the spring activated plunger. Cock the orange plunger by pushing the plunger forward into the locked position. Place the tip with a band on the hemorrhoid and release the cocked plunger slowly creating suction. This is done by pushing forward and down slightly to disengage the lock allowing it to slowly release, creating suction. Once the hemorrhoid is drawn into the tip, use the trigger to release the band around the base of the hemorrhoid. Once banded, suction is released by pushing in on the plunger.
These videos offer both self-suction and aspirator Ligator use demonstrations.
Hemorrhoid Ligature Suction Device - Schuco® Aspirator S430A:
Schuco® Aspirator. 800 cc disposable canister, 1 tubing with filter, 115/60, 4 legs (no base)

Disposable Hemorrhoid Ligator - A5650:
Disposable Hemorrhoid Ligator for use with suction, complete with ring loader.

Disposable Hemorrhoid Ligator - A5650.3:
Disposable Hemorrhoid Ligator for use with suction, complete with ring loader and 3 ligator bands.

Disposable Hemorrhoid Ligator - A5660:
Disposable Hemorrhoid Ligator, complete with ring loader. Used with forceps.

Disposable Hemorrhoid Ligator - A5670:
Disposable Hemorrhoid Ligator with self suction, complete with ring loader.

Ligator Bands - F5600 & F5601:
Ligator Bands, Latex and Latex-Free