Do Hemorrhoids Go Away on Their Own?

Do Hemorrhoids Go Away on Their Own?

If going to the bathroom has become an uncomfortable chore, you may be wondering, "Do hemorrhoids go away on their own?" When you have inflamed hemorrhoids, you'll want to resolve the itching, bleeding and discomfort as quickly and easily as possible.

Hemorrhoids may clear up on their own but not always. The more you know about hemorrhoid symptoms and treatments, the better you'll be able to address your bathroom troubles.

Understanding the Nature of Hemorrhoids

Before discussing the concept of making hemorrhoids go away, it’s important to understand what hemorrhoids are.

Here’s the most important thing to know: Hemorrhoids are a normal part of your everyday anatomy.

That’s right. The mere existence of hemorrhoids is not the problem.

So what exactly are hemorrhoids? They are clusters of venous structures in your rectal area. Some people describe them as "cushions."

Unfortunately, these veins sometimes become swollen and inflamed. When that happens, they start to cause symptoms, which can range from annoying to downright miserable, depending on their severity.

Symptoms may include:

  • Bleeding
  • Mucus discharge
  • Discomfort or pain
  • Swelling
  • Itching
  • Fecal staining

When you have issues like these, you'll surely want to take care of them as quickly as possible. Just remember that the goal is not to get rid of the normal venous cushions entirely but to address the inflamed tissue and resolve the associated symptoms.

Getting Rid of Hemorrhoids

It’s estimated that approximately 75% of people deal with hemorrhoid issues at some point in their lives. Not all of these people end up having hemorrhoid surgery, so there must be hope that hemorrhoids can go away without major medical intervention.

Hemorrhoids often develop because there's excessive pressure on the rectum. If you sit too long on the toilet or strain too hard while you're there, the veins might bulge and swell. Problems with your stool, such as constipation or diarrhea, can contribute as well.

Using the toilet isn't the only way to upset your anal cushions. Being overweight or pregnant, lifting heavy weights, or engaging in anal sex can also play a role.

Resolving the issues that led to the problem in the first place can be useful in getting hemorrhoids to leave you alone.

Doctors often advise patients to consume more soluble fiber, take a fiber supplement and drink more water so that it will be easier to pass stool.

You should head to the bathroom as soon as you feel the need to go. Even still, it's a good idea to limit your time on the toilet so that you don't overexert yourself. If you aren't able to go right away, get up and try again later.

For those who are overweight, dropping pounds might be effective in the long run. Lifestyle changes, such as adjusting your approach to exercise, can help as well. For pregnancy-induced hemorrhoids, giving birth may provide the most relief.

Managing Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Sometimes, addressing the source of your hemorrhoid troubles is a long-term solution. During a hemorrhoid flareup, you'll probably want to find solutions that will help right away.

Taking a sitz bath is an easy, relaxing way to feel better. It involves soaking your buttocks in warm shallow water. You can use your regular bathtub for this or a special bowl that fits over the toilet seat. Doing this about three times a day in 20-minute sessions can relieve the pain and irritation associated with hemorrhoids.

When you're sitting around your house or in your office, place a cushion under your bottom. Hard chairs can exacerbate your discomfort.

There are several tricks you can use for pain relief. Some people sit on ice for a few minutes at a time. Others apply hemorrhoid creams or wipe the area with witch hazel pads. You can take over-the-counter oral pain medications too.

These steps can help soothe your rear end as you wait for your symptoms to resolve. In many cases, being careful about your bathroom practices and doing what you can to reduce inflammation will have you feeling better within just a few days.

For more advice about what does and doesn’t work for at-home hemorrhoid treatment, watch this video:

When to See a Doctor

In general, after a week of home treatment with no improvement, it's time to see a doctor. Medical care is especially important if you experience bleeding since it could indicate a different issue.

Going to the doctor doesn't automatically mean that there's extensive surgery in your future. Your medical provider might recommend a minimally invasive procedure like rubber band ligation.

There's a key exception to the one-week guideline. For a hemorrhoid around your anus that suddenly becomes extremely painful, it's best to seek care right away. If there's blood clot responsible for the pain, your doctor can perform a drainage procedure. It's best to do this within 48 hours of symptom onset.

Resolving Your Hemorrhoid Problem

Do hemorrhoids go away on their own? Yes, the symptoms might resolve by themselves or with a bit of at-home care.

Some hemorrhoids do require medical intervention, though. If you have any questions about whether your situation warrants medical attention, make an appointment with your doctor.

There's no reason to prolong your suffering in hopes that home treatments will spare you the embarrassment of speaking to your doctor about hemorrhoids. Colorectal specialists, such as those listed in our Adler MicroMed Find a Doctor database, are well acquainted with patients' rectal concerns. It's always best to get a professional diagnosis so you can have a doctor guide you through the treatment process.

As with all medical issues, your physician is the ultimate source as to what procedure best fits your needs. Discuss all options and get a second opinion if you have any doubts. These articles are intended to be a source of general information only.

Brian Chandler